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Before we start...

Course summary

First of all, before we even begin, there are two major ideas that I wish for all of us to agree upon and keep in mind during our collaborative work.


We are here, because we want to make better art then that, which we were able to produce up to now. We are here to improve our skills and evolve as creators, to paint, to draw, to make something beautiful and unique together.


We are here to practice and improve upon our verbal communication skills in English and have fun along the way.


That is why we are here.


In order for you to start right away and have something to do during our very first meeting, I want you to come prepared. You must have some basic art supplies to begin working right away. They are listed below. We are going to try to have at least one exceptional peace of art ready and made by the end of each of our meeting. Some may say that that it is unrealistic. It doesn’t hurt to try, I say. The idea is to produce at least three perfectly complete art works by the end of our 10th meeting that you are going to feel confident about and that you could either present as a gift or happily hang on the wall of your own home. One good man once told me that it is irrelevant what or how I am doing as an artist as long as I have a masterpiece to present to the world as a result of my efforts. Life is more complex and often discouraging than that, but I believe that this notion is worth keeping in mind if you wish to achieve something great.


I want you to think about your personal goals and share your thoughts about them. Think of what you want to paint and why.  It’s true that every now and then every artist can improvise and spontaneously deliver something outstanding to look at, but for many of us a different approach yields better results. Research and study your subject matter, get photographs, dwell on it.

Hopefully this text is not too difficult to understand. I can always try to present things simpler and switch to Russian. Looking forward to seeing you at the studio and anxious to start working soon!

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